by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jun 22, 2021 | Articles, Historical
Newport is filled with great buildings that have been modified over time, either by other great architects or which were replaced by buildings that today the Historic District Commission would no longer allow to be replaced. This means we might have had the old...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jun 3, 2021 | Historical
Before the founding of the Preservation Society, Newport was both very different than it once was as well as different from what it has now become. In 1945, the glories of the Gilded Age were long past, broken by the 4 sequential catastrophes of World War I, the...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | May 19, 2021 | Articles, Historical, Professional
Newport, as many historians have noted over the years, is an architectural treasure chest. From the Colonial Era, to early Victorian, to the Gilded Age, and finally, to present times, Newport has an amazing breadth and depth of architectural gems for a community that...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Apr 20, 2021 | Historical
52 Great Architectural Quotes 26 Best Quotes About Design by Non-Architects “Architecture must honor three things: Strength. Function. Beauty.” –Vitruvius “Beauty perishes in life, but is immortal in art.” –Leonardo da Vinci “Architecture is frozen...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Apr 13, 2021 | Historical
As the Archi-TEXT column has pointed out many times, Newport is an extraordinary treasure trove of historic architecture, spanning from the early days of the Colonial settlement of New England and continuing right up until the present day. Newport is fortunate to be a...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Apr 6, 2021 | Historical, Newport Architect Spotlight
The Shingle Style, which was described in a previous Archi-TEXT, was an architectural form that developed in the late 19th century in Newport, RI and other New England seaside resort communities. It is often associated with the preeminent firm of the era, McKim Mead...