A4 Guide: Virtual Spaces

A4 Guide: Virtual Spaces

In the midst of the COVID pandemic everything seems to be virtual. Virtual school, virtual work, and virtual meetings now dominate many of our lives. This has been made possible largely by the development of the high-speed internet and servers powerful enough to...
A4 Guide: Innovative Designs Responding to COVID

A4 Guide: Innovative Designs Responding to COVID

The first real impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States came barely four months ago with a huge spike of cases in New York City, resulting in an economic shut down and closing of in person classes at most schools and colleges. It almost seems like years...
A4 Guide: The House of the Future

A4 Guide: The House of the Future

Few things in our culture have changed as little or as slowly as the construction of houses. As was the case 50 years ago, a set of paper plans is made into a real building by a set of contractors with tape measures using wood 2×4 studs. The workmen of 1920 could...
A4 Guide: The Post-COVID Home

A4 Guide: The Post-COVID Home

During the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, we have all gotten to know our homes better than we ever thought was possible. They have become our schools, our offices, our restaurants, and our movie theaters. In this time of change it is inevitable that we should think...