by Ross Cann | Aug 1, 2013 | Professional
Developing an Eye for Design in Newport, Rhode Island Architects go beyond merely looking at the surface of a project to try and see through to the underlying issues. These are skills that translate across many professions and areas of interest. “Looking” is primarily...
by Ross Cann | Jul 3, 2013 | Historical, Professional
When most people think about the subject of “Public Spaces,” streets and sidewalks are not the first thought – they will often immediately think of parks and public squares. The recent debate about and subsequent renovation of Queen Anne Square shows...
by Ross Cann | May 24, 2013 | Professional, Project Spotlight
Newport is blessed with many beautiful and important structures which were built between the mid-seventeenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. There have even been some great additions to the architectural fabric of Newport in the last few decades but during...
by Ross Cann | May 23, 2013 | Professional
In 2010, the City Council pledged to make Newport a “Complete Streets” community and this largely unheralded event has slowly been changing the way public projects are designed. Complete Streets is a principle developed by the Smart Growth planning...
by Ross Cann | Apr 12, 2013 | Professional, Technology
Super Storm Sandy hit America forcefully, both in a physical and in a psychological way. Now that the New York/New Jersey area has been hit by major weather events not just in successive years but (with the winter storm Athena) in successive weeks, many are wondering...
by Ross Cann | Apr 12, 2013 | Professional, Technology
“New Urbanism” is a term that has come into common usage after the foundation of the Congress for New Urbanism in 1993, but the ideas behind this concept are as old as cities themselves — it is just that we had forgotten the principles for a very long time. To...