by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jan 15, 2018 | Historical
Newport has many grand homes, but there is none grander here (or really anywhere in America) than The Breakers. It is (ironically) called a “cottage,” not because it is small but because it was used for only the summer. The Breakers was designed by Richard Morris...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jan 9, 2018 | Historical
The Redwood Library marked the introduction of a new style of American architecture – Palladian – into the city of Newport. It featured such Palladian characteristics as: rusticated panels emulating stone appropriate to earlier models columns and pediment,...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Dec 29, 2017 | Historical
People often think of architects as “building” the structures they design, but the reality is far more complicated and interesting. Even a small house would be difficult for a single person to create solely on his own. Architecture is in fact a collaborative process...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Dec 22, 2017 | Historical
Early Georgian religious structures, exemplified by Trinity Church in Newport, RI, share these characteristics: high steeple to emphasize the importance of religion in colonial life pulpit centered on the main aisle family dedicated pews Trinity Church has a ship-like...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Dec 14, 2017 | Historical
A residential example of architectural style of the early Newport settlement is Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House. Built in 1697. The residential Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House was an Early Settlement style residence that exemplified these characteristics: saltbox/New England...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Dec 5, 2017 | Historical
The Redwood Library is the nation’s oldest circulating library still in its original building. It was a product of the Philosophical Club, a group of local 18th-century businessmen who gathered around the famous Bishop Berkeley, a colonial-era religious leader, and...