by Ross Cann AIA RA | May 30, 2019 | Historical
The 2019 Newport Architectural Symposium took place this past Saturday, May 25. The topic selected for the Symposium was “The Architecture and History of Newport’s Point Neighborhood.” There are really no areas of Newport that have a full spectrum of buildings from...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Apr 30, 2019 | Historical
In the Spring 2019 issue of House & Garden, a special publication by The Block Island Times, Ross Sinclair Cann wrote an article titled “New Wine in Old Bottles.” This article discusses effective ways to renovate old structures to current standards while...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Apr 24, 2019 | Historical
In the picture above, a crane is working on Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, Friday, April 19, 2019. Rebuilding Notre Dame, the 800-year-old Paris cathedral devastated by fire last week, will cost billions of dollars as architects, historians and artisans work to...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Sep 28, 2018 | Historical, Project Spotlight
The players of this 45-minute match in Newport were Larry Phillips, Paul Weber, Prince Edward, and Marc Lewinstein. Last week, Newport played host to Prince Edward, Queen Elizabeth II’s youngest child. Edward is on a worldwide tour of Real Tennis courts as part of an...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Sep 28, 2018 | Historical, Professional
Rough Point, built in a baronial style from quarried stone, was the Dukes’ home in Newport. Doris Duke’s Restoration Foundation will celebrate its golden anniversary with many special activities. Newport is fortunate to have buildings that feature some of...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | May 30, 2018 | Historical
A building type particular and special to the coastal areas, both around the United States and around the world, is the lighthouse. Built to aid in marine navigation and warn boats away from hazardous rock outcroppings, lighthouses have existed from the early days of...