A4 Spotlight: 2020 Doris Duke Preservation Awards

A4 Spotlight: 2020 Doris Duke Preservation Awards

Newport is fortunate to not only have buildings by many notable architects, but to have some of their very best works as well.  But because Newport was graced with so many beautiful, old buildings, the care and maintenance of these structures has fallen heavily upon a...
A4 Guide: Virtual Spaces

A4 Guide: Virtual Spaces

In the midst of the COVID pandemic everything seems to be virtual. Virtual school, virtual work, and virtual meetings now dominate many of our lives. This has been made possible largely by the development of the high-speed internet and servers powerful enough to...
Newport Architecture Spotlight: The Newport Casino

Newport Architecture Spotlight: The Newport Casino

Newport is a treasure trove of architecture from multiple eras including the Colonial, the Victorian, and the Gilded Age. If one had to pick a single building that most epitomizes the city’s history and character you would be hard pressed to make a better...