by Ross Cann | Oct 10, 2013 | Historical, Technology
As the leaves turn brilliant colors and the evening temperatures begin to fall, it is time to think about the value and many advantages of good insulation. Insulation is meant to keep heat out in the summer and in during the winter and is measured in “R-value” (with...
by Ross Cann | May 3, 2013 | Technology
Many people are asking themselves two questions given the current state of the world: “How can I can money during the recession?” and “How can I reduce my carbon footprint given the disturbing changes many are seeing in the global environment?” Here are some answers:...
by Ross Cann | Apr 12, 2013 | Professional, Technology
Super Storm Sandy hit America forcefully, both in a physical and in a psychological way. Now that the New York/New Jersey area has been hit by major weather events not just in successive years but (with the winter storm Athena) in successive weeks, many are wondering...
by Ross Cann | Apr 12, 2013 | Professional, Technology
“New Urbanism” is a term that has come into common usage after the foundation of the Congress for New Urbanism in 1993, but the ideas behind this concept are as old as cities themselves — it is just that we had forgotten the principles for a very long time. To...
by Ross Cann | Nov 8, 2012 | Professional, Technology
As the nighttime temperatures begin to fall, it is useful to remember that there are few investments in your home that are less visible, but more valuable, than the installation of insulation. There have been some tremendous advances in the technology of insulation in...
by Ross Cann | Aug 4, 2011 | Professional, Technology
As energy prices continue to rise and concerns about “global warming” and “carbon footprints” become more widespread, the building industry is beginning to change to address these new concerns. We are currently at the leading edge of the “green building” phenomenon —...