by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jul 5, 2013 | Historical
Newport is famous for its grand buildings, many of which are both extravagant and unique. Many of the grand mansions on Bellevue Avenue in particular were created more for entertaining than for living as some of these grand “summer cottages” were used for...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jul 3, 2013 | Historical, Professional
When most people think about the subject of “Public Spaces,” streets and sidewalks are not the first thought – they will often immediately think of parks and public squares. The recent debate about and subsequent renovation of Queen Anne Square shows...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jun 30, 2013 | Historical
Newport has been many things over its lifetime: a Gilded Age resort, a post World War II Navy town, and today, an important destination for historic tourism. But at one time Newport was a small colonial village that was made prosperous by its excellent harbor and...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jun 21, 2013 | Historical
Newport is a special place but sometimes it is easy for those who live here to forget just how special. In helping write the summary of the Washington Square Community Charrette report, based upon the Value Setting and Charrette process that more than three hundred...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jun 14, 2013 | Historical
This week was a busy one for architectural programming in Newport. On Wednesday, March 6 at Rosecliff, a panel was convened to discuss the state of the Newport Historic Urban Plan initiative. John Tschirch served as moderator and four of the project’s scholarly...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | May 30, 2013 | Historical
Everyone knows that Rhode Island is the smallest state in the union in terms of size but in the world of tennis we have historically stood very tall indeed. In terms of tennis history, Newport, Rhode Island is the place to be. It is the site of one of the oldest...