by Ross Cann | May 3, 2023 | Articles
The A4 Architectural Words of Wisdom After being a licensed architect for thirty years (which is even more amazing considering how long it takes to become licensed), I am taking the liberty of sharing some thoughts and quotations that I have developed over that time....
by Ross Cann | Apr 25, 2023 | Articles
LEED-ing the Way – Cover Page The first step in making buildings more sustainable is to establish and then encourage best practices. In 1993 the U.S. Green Building Council, spearheaded by Natural Resource Defense Council scientist Robert K Watson,...
by Ross Cann | Apr 19, 2023 | Articles
The A4 Architecture Project Guide For people beginning their first design and construction project there is often a sense of fear and ignorance. They know that the process is going to be challenging and they may have heard stories of schedule delays and budget...
by Ross Cann | Apr 6, 2023 | Articles
Brick Market Front Façade – Newport, RI At the center of historic Newport, Rhode Island sits the Brick Market. This structure is an important historic building and was designed by the renowned architect Peter Harrison in 1762. Peter Harrison (1716-1775) was an...
by Ross Cann | Apr 3, 2023 | Articles
A4 Architecture Gateway Design in Newport, RI -Transportation Oriented Development Transportation Oriented Development (TOD) is an urban planning and design concept that emphasizes the integration of land use and transportation to create walkable, mixed-use...