by Ross Cann AIA RA | Feb 3, 2010 | Historical
Architecture has often in the past been considered to be the mother of all the arts in that it traditionally combined and included painting, sculpture, the decorative arts, and even metalworking and glassmaking. In the creation of the design, architects employed the...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Apr 1, 2009 | Historical, Technology
People often feel torn between the desire to preserve the architectural heritage of the past and to protect the environment of the future. Fortunately, these two goals are not really in opposition and, in fact, can be very complementary with one another. The US Green...
by Ross Cann AIA RA | Jul 12, 2007 | Historical
Unlike other forms of artistic expression, architecture is best understood and enjoyed through use. Sometimes a work of architecture is used in very different ways over time. Fort Adams is one such structure. The enormous 6 acres enclosed “parade,” once designed to...